Saule Technologies awarded for the Effective Pro-Climate Actions by Wyborcza
We are pleased to share that Saule Technologies has been awarded the “Jedynka Gazeta Wyborcza” prize for its Effective Pro-Climate Actions. This special award by Gazeta Wyborcza is granted to companies for their exceptional climate-supporting activities inside and outside the company.
The award ceremony took place during the Wroclaw-held “Conference for Climate: Science-Business-Local Government” [pol. Konferencja dla klimatu Nauka-Biznes-Samorząd], which focused on addressing the current climate situation and outlining possible future scenarios. Ecology, environmental protection, and climate change are the topics regularly discussed in Gazeta Wyborcza due to their importance.
It is an honour to have our efforts within the addressed areas acknowledged in such a prominent way – many thanks to Wrocław, City of Wroclaw and Agencja Rozwoju Aglomeracji Wrocławskiej for this positive recognition.