Only three months ago, Saule Technologies was celebrating the opening of its first production line of perovskite solar cells; now, another milestone in its development is taking place – the premiere of solar sun blinds, sun breakers with perovskite solar cells on the Aliplast factory facade in Lublin. We are proud to complete the first part of the project – sunblinds with over 32 m2 of perovskite solar modules.
Watch the live stream from the event: in Polish and in English
Fot. Saule Technologies
The new commercial product of Saule Technologies, based on the original concept of automatic blinds with perovskite solar cells, was first presented in October 2020. The profiles with solar modules were placed on the aluminum structure supplied by Aliplast are equipped with an automatic change of position with the sun’s movement, developed by Somfy.
– After opening the world’s first perovskite cell factory in Wrocław in May, today, less than three months later, we are again making a revolution in the global photovoltaic and renewable energy industry. We are entering a new stage in the development of Saule Technologies – the era of commercialization of our perovskite cells. We proudly present our complete product – automatic slats – sun breakers, operating on the facade of our first client’s building – Aliplast. This is a special moment for us, crowning seven years of hard work of the entire Saule Technologies team – said Olga Malinkiewicz, CTO and co-founder of Saule Technologies.
Watch the summary from the official opening of the production line.
The blinds – sun breakers presented at the premiere in Lublin not only protect the building from overheating or cooling down, significantly reducing the cost of air conditioning and heating. At the same time, they produce clean energy from solar illumination.
Thanks to the Animeo automation system from Somfy, the profiles with perovskite modules cooperate with the weather station installed on the roofs. Using live weather data and sun-tracking, they automatically change their alignment with the movement of the sun. This solution ensures the facility’s energy efficiency and guarantees thermal comfort and protection against too harsh light for the building users – regardless of the season.
– The implementation of the system is possible in any building type. Therefore, I believe that this is the beginning of a revolution in the world of photovoltaics. – said Jan Kidaj, President of the Management and Board Member of Aliplast Sp. z o.o.
Sun breakers are part of Building Applied Photovoltaics (BAPV) systems, i.e., photovoltaic installations mounted on office buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, and factories. Saule Technologies perovskite sunblinds can be tailored to customer preferences, ranging from the material used, such as aluminum, wood, glass, or plastics, through shape and width, to color. But not only for these reasons, but they are also a breakthrough solution. In photovoltaics, solar sun blinds open a new market possibility with enormous growth potential: building facades, where traditional silicon cells, heavy and ineffective in suboptimal lighting, do not compete. The solution from Saule Technologies solution is the first commercial product of this type in the world.
Perovskites and traditional silicon cells
Unlike traditional silicon cells, perovskite cells are flexible, lightweight, ultra-thin, and translucent. Their production does not require high temperatures, which translates into significantly lower energy consumption, lower production costs, and the possibility of using substrates of various surfaces, even foil or textiles. Perovskite cells can generate energy from artificial light, and – unlike silicon panels – they are efficient even then when the sun’s rays fall at an angle other than 90 degrees. Thanks to these advantages and their low weight, they can be mounted even on vertical façade elements and in colors matching the façade of the buildings.
Fot. Saule Technologies
About Saule S.A.
Saule Technologies is a Polish company founded in 2014 by the physicist Olga Malinkiewicz and businessmen Piotr Krych and Artur Kupczunas. Currently, the company employs a team of several dozen scientists and engineers, administrative staff from nearly 20 countries, who have constructed the world’s first production line of printed perovskite solar cells. This innovative photovoltaic solution allows generating energy from both natural and artificial light, allowing a wide range of novel applications.
About Columbus Energy
Columbus Energy S.A. is a leading service provider in the modern energy market. The company offers comprehensive renewable energy solutions for households and businesses and carries out long-term investments in photovoltaic farms. The company sets quality standards, focuses on modern technology, and cares for the customer at all stages of implementation. Columbus Energy S.A. is the highest-valued company on the NewConnect market. The annual, dynamic increase in the company’s revenues places it among the largest shareholders in Poland’s photovoltaic installations market.
About Somfy
The Somfy Group is a world-leading manufacturer of home and building automation systems. The first plant, producing under this brand a pioneering invention, the awning equipped with a tubular drive, was launched in 1969 in Cluses, France. Today, the company’s portfolio includes 2,210 patents, produces over 20 million drives annually, and there are already over 2.5 million connected devices operating worldwide, which, thanks to its automation systems, can be controlled from a smartphone. Somfy has been present on the Polish market for 25 years.
About Aliplast
The Aliplast company was established in 2002 with the participation of the Belgian Aliplast concern, producing aluminum systems since 1984. The new branch allowed creating a distribution network and a production line for Aliplast aluminum systems in Poland. From the first years of its operation, Aliplast has focused on investments and development while maintaining the highest quality of the offered product and implementing new, innovative solutions in aluminum profile systems. At the beginning of its activity, the company employed 15 people; now, it consists of 442 employees. The dynamics of sales and the ever-growing list of recipients from Poland and Europe have been noticed on the market; Aliplast is a laureate of many awards and prizes from industry and business organizations.
(C) KGAL / Lulko