Company bio

Saule S.A. Saule Technologies is a pioneer in the research and manufacturing of a new generation of perovskite solar cells. The solar cells printed on flexible foils are lightweight, ultra-thin, and semi-transparent, which significantly surpasses the range of possible applications of traditional silicon technology. The company was founded in 2014 by Olga Malinkiewicz, the inventor of the printing method, and experienced businessmen – Piotr Krych and Artur Kupczunas. Today, Saule Technologies is a team of over 50 scientists, engineers, and administrative staff from over 17 countries, working in an R&D center with a pilot production line and one of Europe’s best-equipped optoelectronics laboratory. Releasing products available for licensing and first B2B sales in early 2021 proves that Saule Technologies is a leader in commercializing perovskite solar cells.

Shareholder Structure

As of the day of creating the Q-III 2022 raport.



No of shares

% of shares

Columbus Energy




Olga Malinkiewicz




Knowledge is Knowledge Sp. z o. o.




HIS Energy Holdings Co. (Hideo Sawada)

Seed investor



Dariusz Chrząstowski











Olga Malinkiewicz PhD, Leader and CTO

Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Saule Technologies. She graduated from Technical University of Catalonia in 2010 (MSc Photonics). In 2017 she obtained her PhD from Institute of Molecular Science, University of Valencia at the group of Dr. Henk Bolink, with a thesis on low cost, efficient hybrid solar cells. Olga developed a novel perovskite cell architecture allowing fabrication of the efficient perovskite cells on PET. For this achievement she has been granted with the Photonics21 Student Innovation award in a competition organized by the European Commission in 2014.

Piotr Krych, CEO

Co-founder and CTO at Saule Technologies. Entrepreneur and manager with over 16 years of experience, co-founder of several companies and startups with global potential. He co-founded Nanopure – a company commercializing novel technologies in chemistry and advanced material engineering, and SensDX – developing a mobile flu biosensor. In Saule Technologies, he is responsible for supervising the administration, financial & legal part of the company and contact with clients.

Artur Kupczunas, co-CEO

Co-founder at Saule Technologies. He is also managing venture capital fund investing in pre-seed projects at an early TRL 2-6 stage. He holds an MBA from the University of Minnesota and an M.Tech from Poznan University of Technology. Founder of numerous enterprises and startups, with particular emphasis on the development and commercialization of new technologies. In Saule Technologies, he is responsible for supervising project management and business development in technology applications. 

SAULE S.A basic information

Address: Dunska 11, 54-427 Wroclaw, Poland
KRS: 0000811142
NIP: 5223010943
REGON: 146985340


Share capital – 1,6 mln zł
Paid-in capital – 1,6 mln zł

Board of directors

Olga Malinkiewicz, Co-Founder and CTO

Supervisory board

Dariusz Chrząstowski – since 31.10.2019
Tomasz Gondek – since 31.10.2019
Michał Jakub Gondek – since 5.03.2021
Dawid Łukasz Zieliński – since 5.03.2021
Michał Jerzy Bochowicz – since 28.07.2023
Arkadiusz Ryszard Krzemiński – since 28.07.2023



photo 1: Made in Wroclaw 2022: Future Mindset conference visual. source: ARAW. Made in Wroclaw 2022: What connects Ecology and the Space …

carbon footprint summit

Carbon Footprint Summit 2022 Olga Malinkiewicz, CTO and Co-Founder of Saule Technologies, became the Program Committee Member of the Carbon Footprint Summit …

world space week wroclaw rola kobiet w nauce i inzynierii

photo 1: The official visual for the World Space Week conference, Wroclaw 2022. source: World Space Week Wroclaw. Saule Technologies at World …

Olga Malinkiewicz Wlaczanie i Roznorodnosc kampania

photo 1: Olga Malinkiewicz, CTO and Co-Founder of Saule Technologies, as a face of the Inclusion and Diversity [Włączanie i Rożnorodność] campaign. …

Company history

August 2021 #technology
First commercial BAPV installation

Official reveal of the first installation of photovoltaic sun breakers for a commercial client.

May 2021 #technology
Opening of the pilot production line

Grand opening of the first production line of printed perovskite solar cells. We are proud to show a succesful transition from the lab to industry. 

April 2021 #business
Saule Technologies ready to go public

Saule Technologies announces readiness to go public through a reverse merger of Blumerang Investors, noted in Warsaw’s New Connect market.

March 2021 #technology
Perovskites in IoT device on European Bison

Two bison in Ukraine, the Lviv region, are wearing telemetry collars powered by perovskite solar cells.

October 2020 #technology
Solar sunblinds premiere

A photograph of the representative from Somfy presenting solar sunblinds demonstrators

The premiere of BIPV product. Automatic sun breaker slats equipped with perovskite solar cells.

September 2020 #business
Launch of the Energy Transformation Program

Banner of the Perovskite Day - logos of Saule, Columbus, Mercedes, Somfy, Aliplast and Miasto Piastów with New City

With our partner, Columbus Energy, we launch a program of Energy Transformation -  free energy audits and technological solutions to allow a fast and simple transition to a greener future.

September 2020 #business
10 mln euro investment of Columbus Energy

David Zielinski from Columbus Energy speaking in the press conference. At the table are are also founders of Saule.

Columbus Energy, a leading provider of services in the modern energy market in Poland, invested 10 million euro in Saule Technologies and acquired 20% of the company’s shares.

July 2020 #technology
1x1m module

Big, flexible and lightweight modue consisting of 25 laminated modules.

July 2020 #production
The construction of the production line is completed

Finalized works of the cotractor. Starting line acceptance tests and technology trafsfer.

January 2020 #production
The RoHS Compliance Tests

Abstract image showing hazardous impacts on the environment

Our modules meet international RoHS standards.

November 2019 #production
Complete second stage of construction

Saule Technologies' perovskite production line progress

The cleanroom, space for manufacturing & storage – they are ready. First machines arriving.

September 2019 #business
Introducing solar carport

Solar Carport 2.0 by Natoni & Saule

First product for the e-mobility market. The first product presentation took place at the New Mobility Congress in Lublin.

August 2019 #production
Complete first stage of construction

The shell of the cleanroom and installations are ready.

April 2019 #technology
First IoT demonstrator

Saule Technologies' solar modules exhibited at the IDTechEx Show in Berlin

An IoT demonstrator of perovskite solar module, which powered an independent Bluetooth beacon. IDTechEx Show! in Berlin.

December 2018 #technology
First building application with Skanska

A pilot installation of perovskite solar panel on the Spark office's facade in Warsaw

Photovoltaic glass technology demonstrator installed in Spark building in Warsaw with Skanska.

November 2018 #technology
Perovskite solar modules in Japanese hotel

Henn-na Hotel in Japan, world's most technologically advanced hotel, officially features perovskite technology developed by Saule Technologies

Olga Malinkiewicz took part in the opening ceremony of Henn-na Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan, presenting a demonstrator with 72 perovskite modules integrated into bended glass. Henn-na Hotel is the world most technologically advanced hotel in the world – first to be staffed by robots. 

August 2018 #production
Launch of construction works in the production line

After a preparation period of determining the details with the constructor, works in the production hall begin.

June 2018 #technology
Glass Lamination Tests

Testing perovskite solar cells glass lamination

Launching glass-lamination tests that will, e.g.,  allow creating BIPV product prototype for Skanska. 

February 2018 #production
Signed contract for the production line

Large perovskite solar module

After three tenders, the fourth tender announced  in December 2017 allows to find the contractor for this innovative project. In Febuary 2018, the final contract is signed. The line will print modules up to 1x1 m.

January 2018 #business
Joint Development Agreement with Skanska

Olga Malinkiewicz from Saule Technologies and Katarzyna Zawodna from Skanska

Saule Technologies and Skanska launch a project to develop a BIPV product (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) The photovoltaic glass facade will be used in multiple buildings of the company.

November 2017 #technology
A4 flexible module

A4 printed, flexible module was first exhibited at IDTechEx Show! in Santa Clara.

September 2017 #business
Joint Developement Agreement with Ergis

Joint Developement Agreement with Ergis. With experts from Saule Technologies, the company wants to develop barrier foil  for optoelectronic applications, suitable for thin-film photovoltaics. 

September 2017 #technology
Encapsulated module works underwater

Fully printed, flexible perovskite solar module that performs in low light conditions was encapsulated in a new way, that allows it to work underwater. It was presented in the 3rd conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO17) in Oxford.

April 2017 #technology
First fully printed module

The first fully-printed module cosisting of many cells, powering a diode light was presented at the industrial fair Hannover Messe.

February 2017 #production
Ready project of the pilot line

The process of inkjet printing solar cells

First project of of the prototype pilot line is ready and Saule Technologies and announces the first tender to find a contactor.

March 2016 #technology
Perovskite mobile charger

Real-life application of perovskite solar cells - a mobile phone charger

A functional mobile phone charger that operates under artificial light, made of spin-coated cells connected into a modue. It was presented in ABXPV, Barcelona.

September 2015 #business
Seed investment and project launch

Piotr Krych, Olga Malinkiewicz, Hideo Sawada and Artur Kupczunas

Seed investment of Hideo Sawada allows to launch a 15$ million research project.

July 2015 #technology
1x1 cm semi-transparent solar cell in Silicon Valley

Artur Kupczunas, Piotr Krych and Olga Malinkiewicz in Silicon Valley 

1×1 cm semi-transparent flexible perovskite cell cell is presented in Sillicon Valley innovation summit.

December 2014 #technology
Printed perovskite in Boston

MRS sign on a foil 

Olga goes to Materials Research Society Meeting and Exhibit, Boston. She presents perovskite printed on PET with digital inkjet metod. 

November 2014 #business
Saule Technologies Estabilished


Artur, Piort and Olga estabilish the company.

April 2014 #business
Photonics 21 Award

Olga Malinkiewicz receieves a prestigeous prize Photonics 21. In the gala, she meets Artur Kupczunas and Piotr Krych. The idea of Saule Technologies is born.